I really enjoyed the group presentations. I am not sure if that is because I've taken such a great interest in environmental issues just recently or what, but I am soaking up the information like a sponge. I thought Ryan's presentation was awesome and stood out to me because he was well organized and an overall good presenter. I also enjoyed the presentations on urban gardening and all the facts about water. I think the videos were a nice touch to many presentations. There were a few to further explain topics or introduce concepts and then there were a few to make us laugh or pull on our heartstrings. But I really seem to pay more attention and be more attached to the presentation when there is a video involved. For instance, I hadn't heard about he hydrogen car until Ryan showed us that clip-how amazing! I was talking about that for the next week. Also, the video on urban gardening was enlightening because that too I never knew existed.
I thoroughly was impressed by Plan B. I liked that it was the reading we ended with and it did give me hope to many current problems. It is a shame that these ideas aren't happening sooner but we didn't get into this mess overnight so we can't expect to get out of it overnight either. I'm just pleased that we are at least headed in that direction.
I learned a lot from my chapter on sustainable energy. I was blown away by the statistics given about wind, solar, geothermal, etc. energy. I sit here and listen to the news talk about this oil spill every single night and I'm disgusted. I feel for the defenseless animals that didn't ask for this and sure as hell don't deserve. There is other ways besides fossil fuels and coal and we need to get to the point where enough is enough. It makes me sick to my stomach but that's the thing Plan B is getting at- you have to hope. The author presents a lot of feasible solutions in due time. I just have to be a part of that change and stay positive that we can get there- that humans as a whole will wake up before it's too late.